Sunday, March 30, 2014

Changxi - A Short Story by Christine

On the edge of the horizon, there was a pool of honeyed spring water where the most alluring of maidens would bathe. And before the world was sheathed in roads and houses, this pool was already radiant with natural beauty. The maidens were few in number, but they each shone like a ball of light. The most striking was named Changxi. Her skin shone with a pale, silvery glow, and her eyes were warm and milky. Gauzy wings protruded from her shoulder blades, gathering her up into the sky. Her raiment was slim and pearly, designed for the climate of the summer pool. She kept two white horses, dressed in crescent livery, letting them roam in the jungle near the water margin. The maidens would bathe by the starlight, for there was no moon, no sun, in those times. There was only immutable night. 

From the reeds at the edge of the pool, men would watch the maidens with covetous eyes. There were few people in this stygian world, and the men hungered for wives. They wanted children, driven by a primal need. And so they watched, and chose who would be their brides. 

One day the most venturesome of the men emerged from the reeds, and a ripple went through the ranks of maidens. They had never seen a man before, hidden away on the edge of the horizon, providing light only to their small corner of the world. But the maidens were strong, much taller than the men, and much more beautiful. They had no reason to be afraid. 

Di Jun was a bold warrior. He already had many children, scattered in various tribes across the continent. But when he heard about a mysterious pool in a faraway land, inhabited only by enigmatic, scantily-clad women, he could not resist the urge to make the journey. Intrepid, he immediately set his sights on the most resplendent of them all, Changxi. 

Changxi was daring and rebellious, and she was also intelligent. She often wondered what the world was like outside of the pool, if there was something that she was missing. Di Jun spoke to her of far off lands, of villages and history, of marriage and of children. Though she had lived for many years, she had never heard of such things. A fire lit in her eyes, and she began to yearn for adventure. And though she would not allow Di Jun to touch her, she lent him one of her horses and they rode together toward the settlements in the east. 

When they arrived at Di Jun's home, Changxi learned that he had other wives and many children. Di Jun bragged to the other men of his gorgeous, wild wife, who he had tamed and brought back from the west. She saw the way that the other wives of the village were treated: objectified, like animals bought and sold to rear offspring. If she stayed with this man, what would she become? She would not be free, commanding Changxi any longer. 

Taking her two steeds gently by the mane, she lifted them on her wings into the air, a gentle, luminous fairy soaring into the stars. The air was cool and her raiment thin, so she wrapped herself in stardust. She flew silently through the night air. The men and women on the plain gasped and looked up in wonder. What was this new ball of light that glided through the sky as if pulled along by horses? They called her the moon, and wondered if she would appear again. 

Changxi flew to the horizon, to the summer pool she once called her home. She had kept her power, kept her freedom. It was something she would allow no one to take from her. But now she knew of the ways of men and women, knew what she was missing. The thought of the villages on the plains and the secrets of mountains and rivers kept her curious. And so every so often, she would ride one of her steeds into the sky, wearing a thick gown of stardust, and peer below her, exploring the Earth with her inquisitive eyes. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

常曦 by 克麗絲叮

獨立常曦 - 她從來不會將她的力量送給別人









Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nv Ba - A Short Story

Nv Ba is a figure in ancient Chinese mythology. For more background on the original myth, click here.

Nv Ba: A short story by Christine Welch

She was an odd looking creature, not something usually seen down on the plains or by the river. Difficult to explain, but she blended in to the forest on the mountain terrace. Her garments were green like the leafy trees she hid behind, and she had no hair, her head the same color as tree bark. But it was her eyes, her eyes that caught you and held you, like two emeralds piercing through the darkness.

No one seemed to like her, not even her father, who lived high and far away, atop another mountain to the west. It was not difficult to understand why. Wherever she walked, wherever her laugh sounded out, the flowers would shrivel and the riverbeds dry up. Like there was a curse upon her that sucked the water out of everything.

Because of this curse, she was confined to the terrace, doomed to walk amid its brittle branches until the end of time -- or so she thought. Her father would not have her walking upon the plains, destroying the crops, ruining the fields, sucking the moisture out of the air. So she sought enjoyment from the trees and meadows, moving between them, watching them die and then, eventually, be reborn.

It never rained on that mountain.

Soon thunder and clashes came from the south. Her father was at war with a rebel, Chiyou, and both sides were supported by numerous gods and goddesses. The bald girl began to worry, wondering if there was any way she could help her father.

She heard tell that one of her favorite neighbors, a handsome dragon god with powerful wings named Yinglong, had been sent by her father to attack the rebels in one of the southern realms. In more peaceful times, Yinglong had always kept watch over her, making sure the forest and terrace did not become too brittle and catch on fire, dousing the land with his magic rain when she was far enough away in one direction. Although as rain god and drought goddess, they could not draw too close to each other, she liked the way he soared through the air above her, keeping watch, and he liked to hear the sound of her laughter.

The bald girl yearned to help, too.

She saw Yinglong soaring through the air to the south, drawing all the water in the land away to the west, to her father's realm. She saw Chiyou respond in kind, calling up the power of his friends, the wind and storm gods, to bring water back to the land and sweep away her father's forces. She knew what had to be done. It was not possible for Yinglong to defeat all three gods at once. The only solution was for her father to set her free from her prison. And just then he called for her.

Yinglong soared back to find her, enveloping her in his claws and taking her down to the battlefield, although it cost him much of his strength. As soon as her toes brushed the earth on the southern plain, the soil turned to sand, and the crops to dust. The wind and storm gods fled, their hurricane spent. Fearing the drought would spread through all the lands, Chiyou surrendered, and was promptly executed. His lands peaceful again, the Yellow Emperor returned to his seat on the mountain, his mind turned to other matters.

The bald girl roamed the land, searching for a new home, a new purpose. Yinglong was gone, roaming the mountains of the north. Her father seemed to have more important matters on his mind. Everywhere she went, people would curse and spit at her, their livelihoods ruined by her very existence. They called out "Han Ba! Go away! Leave this place! Don't return! You aren't welcome here!"

But Han Ba was not welcome anywhere. She began to wail, although no tears would fall. She curled up in a ball and would not move for many days, wailing and screaming her misery. She wanted to die, wanted to be different, wanted to be like everyone else. She felt very sorry for herself.
And that just made the drought worse.

She cried until she had no more strength, and then she slept. While she slept, the grass and flowers grew up beneath her, and the water returned to the riverbeds. Rain fell and the crops flourished. Still she slept, unnoticed by anyone. But then the rains wouldn’t stop. The crops were in danger of flooding, spoiling, and worse. Villagers’ roofs were caving in and some were dying from exposure. They were saying that the gods had disrupted the weather with their battle, and this was nature’s punishment.

That’s when Han Ba awoke, disoriented. She had never before slept in a bed of flowers, or been covered in a blanket of grass. Her next thought was to wonder what had awoken her. But then she realized that someone was pulling at her hand, pleading in a pitiful voice, “Please, stop the rain! Please, stop the rain!” The bald girl sat up, and saw that the someone was a small child, wet and starving, with the most haunted eyes.

The rain clouds began to shrink, until there was nothing left but blue sky. The puddles shrank, and the villagers’ flooded houses dried out. The little girl laughed and clapped her hands, and Han Ba felt a new emotion, one that she had never felt before. She was happy to be herself.

The villagers slowly emerged and gathered around her, thanking her earnestly and shaking her hand, their spite and hate forgotten. Han Ba didn’t know what to do, so she smiled and fled, not wanting to instigate another drought. She ran until she reached a dense thicket, where no people would ever come, and then she sat on the crumbling ground and stared at a pine tree. Alone.

Her power was not a curse after all.

She had learned so much since she had been set free from her prison, so much that she shook her head, feeling slightly old. Life isn’t fair. She never asked for this power, never wanted to be anything other than ordinary. But it was never going to go away. It was out of her control, it was fate.

There was something she could control: her actions, where she went, who she affected. She had a choice: she could thoughtlessly roam places that needed water, ruining lives. She could find some deserted spot and hide from the world which had outcasted her. Or she could seek out those people who needed her help, for whom a small drought was a blessing rather than a curse.

Remembering the laugh of the small villager child, Han Ba stood, raised her head, and made her decision. She wanted to use her power to help people, to create happiness rather than misery. It was time for her to find a place of her own. Laughing, she realized that she was free.

Author: Christine Welch

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

女魃 by 克麗絲叮


係昆山中有一位女子,喚為女魃,相貌古怪,比他人不同。女魃那等容貌難解釋: 身上布衣青松色,禿無髪,頭頂如樹皮。但是她那一雙綠眼睛最誘人注意,如黑暗處之翡翠珠。
























畫家:Beatrijs Brouwer